Wednesday, May 14, 2014

The one thing I will NEVER do as a parent

Before we are thrown into parenting, aren't we all a bit judgy?  We have no idea what it's really like to try and meet someone's needs 24/7, while keeping our own sanity. 

Well the judgment stops here. Sometimes we need to just focus on survival. Here is my list of things I would "never" do...

"I will NEVER let my child watch TV until they are 2 years old and even then it will only be for a few minutes."
Ha ha ha! I did adhere to a strict no TV policy for the first year.  After Kenzie turned 13 months I introduced Sesame Street, and not even for her enjoyment. It was because she went down to 1 nap a day, and I just needed an extra break. Those glorious 50 minutes are spent prepping dinner, cleaning up, working, or just sitting next to her cuddling and talking about what we are watching.

TV time with static hair...
"I will NEVER child proof my kitchen. I will teach my kids to not get into cupboards without my permission."
Yeah right... After 3 months of cleaning up after her wake in the kitchen, I decided it was a sanity
issue and I promptly ordered and installed cabinet locks.  She can still get into the drawers, and a few cabinets, but luckily she doesn't.

She can still get into the pots and pans.
"I will NEVER let my kid scream and carry on in public."
Her public tantrums are just starting, and although I do get a twinge of panic, I let her go and ignore it because trying to stop it is just giving in.

This was way before temper tantrums... but this photo always makes me laugh. 
"I will NEVER change my entire life to revolve around my kid."
This is good in theory, however if I didn't schedule my entire life around Kenzie's naps and bedtime for her first year, she wouldn't be the good sleeper she is now.

Nothing I like more, than a napping baby.
"I will NEVER feed my kids anything other than organic whole foods."
Where is the leftover Kraft mac n cheese?! My daughter is hungry and I have 10 seconds before her next melt down. There goes that...

Mmm powdered cheese...
I do realize that I still have one "I will never...".  I will never, ever say "never".

For your viewing pleasure, my favorite video of Kenzie watching TV. 

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