Monday, April 28, 2014

Are we there yet?

My blog posts will become fewer as the last weeks dwindle on. I lost my sense of humor, along with my bladder control, at some point a week or two ago. Also, my creativity and memory are fading, faster than my view of my feet.

My feet are here somewhere.
The push is on for last minute projects. It's now or never. I spent the weekend revamping Kenzie's room to make it more like a Montessori room, encouraging independence. Since I have nothing else to write about I will post pics and updates later this week.

I was struggling with when to convert her crib into a toddler bed. Do I listen to the expert advice and wait until 3-4 months after the new baby gets here?  So just when the new baby starts sleeping longer stretches at night, I can be up with Kenzie all night?  At 5:00am this morning I made the decision to switch. Of course I waited until everyone was up and fed before breaking out my toolbox.

Her afternoon nap was the first test. She was already waiting in bed when I sang "Naptime!" and went into her room. I did the usual prenap ritual and left the room. She fell asleep within 10 minutes, without getting up. So far so good... The real test will be bedtime tonight.

Yesterday I had mounted a stuffed puppet lion above her bed for a decoration. Last night at bedtime, she was crying hysterically... sure enough, it was the lion. So tonight might bring other fits of mass hysteria. I doubt I can sleep any less than I am now, so it's probably good time to make the switch.

In other news, the dogs have decided to wage a full on war with Dan and I. Every single day, there is an accident. Pee, poop, vomit... they are much harder than dealing with Kenzie.  Today Hero peed in Kenzie's room while I was facetiming with my mom. Last night she peed in the upstairs hallway. Yesterday morning Tully threw up in the bedroom. The day before Billy peed on the bed and floor. The day before that Starchip threw up on the chair. The day before that... seriously it goes on and on and on... all the way back to about the end of December.

We have a vet appointment scheduled for Friday. I am hoping they have a two for one special. Put two down for the price of one... ha ha ha, just kidding... am I?  Seriously, I can't get down and scrub the floor one more time without going into labor. 

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