Tuesday, April 22, 2014

A Day in the Life... part 2

Continued from part 1...

It hasn't been long, only about 4 minutes before my eyes pop open because I smell something horrific. No way I can smell Kenzie's diaper all the way upstairs. I roll out of bed and carefully start searching the floor. I take 2 steps and see the big pile of steaming dog poop at the top of the stairs. I let out a guttural "ARRRGGHH!" and grab the Resolve carpet cleaner from the laundry closet. Of course the carpet cleaner bottle won't spray unless it's upright.

10 minutes later I am under the hot water scrubbing off the stench of poop and diapers. After I reluctantly turn the water off, I spend another 5 minutes using half a bottle of Palmers cocoa butter lotion. My only friend in the battle against stretch marks. We have been through one war together, one more to go, and it's almost over.  No marks yet.  Four weeks to go, we can do this Palmers.

I am heading back downstairs and Dan and is heading out to the mountain. I don't blame him. It's his weekend too. If I could take a few hours off, I would.

I spend the next hour in Kenzie's room reading her books. There is no easy way to sit on the floor. If I sit cross legged the  baby pushes up into the left side of my rib cage. If I lay down on my side, it feels like the baby is going to rip right OUT of my side. So I lean back against her toddler chair and try to ignore the pulsing ache in my lower back.

Hurry it up Ma!
Time for a walk to the post office, to snap us out of our funk. We go out to the garage and get the stroller. I have to keep one eye on Kenzie to make sure she doesn't step on any of the defrosting dog poop.  
I strap her in and we head off. I am walking like a bow legged, wild west cowboy at this point. When strangers pass by I say "Howdy" just for shits and giggles. The walk is probably a little under 2 miles round trip. I have to keep stopping to catch my breath. I point out all the birds, dogs, cars and trucks we see. She loves our walks and so do I, pains and all. We make it there just fine.

We turn around for the walk home and within 3 minutes I can feel contractions. They feel like real ones, not the Braxton hicks ones. I stop and sit down on a bench, and we both drink some water. Kenzie is trying to climb out of her stroller. It takes another 4 stops before we make it home.

She was ready for her nap.
Brought me her sleep suit
on her head.
As soon as I sit down on the couch the contractions stop. 12:30 We eat lunch and then it's nap time. I go through the ritual of closing curtains, changing the diaper, stuffing her into her sleep suit, and turning on the sound machine. I pick her up and snuggle her. She laughs and tosses her head back. I pretend to drop her into her crib and she laughs again. I actually drop her into the crib, which luckily she does enjoy, because I am too big to bed over the crib railing and set her in.  I leave the room and she is still laughing.

10 minutes later I check the monitor before I log into work. She is sound asleep. I smile. She is perfect and I take a minute to think about how grateful I am to have her. Tantrums and all. Now, I have 90 minutes to get as much work done as possible and then the fun starts again.

Sound asleep, water cup in one hand, seahorse in the other.
To be continued...

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