Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Stop the parenting BS

How to start feeling better as a parent...  I know I am blaming my laziness on my pregnancy, but after the new baby I will just blame it on sleep deprivation. It's time to get motivated, but first I have to stop buying into the BS.

I am going to start on this craft
as soon as I can find the pattern...
First step, stop beating myself over not being a crafty mom. How are so many moms, with tons of small children so crafty?  I am not even sure I own a pair of scissors that aren't used for food preparation. I started subscribing to educational toddler websites that basically say, if I am not creating sensory bins, bags, and boxes my children will not become functional humans. A $30 trip to walmart, and 20 minutes later, I created 2 sensory bags one with beads and the other with glittery spring flowers. Kenzie has not touched them.

Next, I need to unlike the 25 healthy cooking websites that come across my facebook news feed. At this point, I am too tired to bake a frozen pizza, let alone make a weeks worth of healthy meals. I make sure Kenzie eats well. As for myself and Dan, we are grown ups, we can help ourselves.  As I am writing this Dan is eating his "dinner" which is 3 handi-snacks, a cherry coke, and parmesan pretzels. Maybe I need to rethink this...

Get over regional mom bashing. What I mean here is that where ever we live there is a bandwagon, and if you can't get on then you feel like an outcast.  Where I live it's all about breastfeeding, cloth diapering, and avoiding fluoridated water.  Well I supplemented with formula from day one and went to full formula at 6 months.  I tried the G-diapers but I got sick of cleaning the poop off all of her clothes so I switched to disposables.  The worst of all... I actually follow the pediatric dentistry guidelines of brushing Kenzie's teeth twice a day with a smear of fluoride toothpaste. If that makes me an outcast, then so be it. I have a healthy kid, and that's all that matters.

Lastly, I am not alone and neither are you dear readers. For every adorable baby photo you see on facebook from your friends, there are 5 more like this:

But I WANT to wear my bathrobe and sunglasses with this outfit!
For every wonderful craft done, there is this...
Isn't this fun Mommy?

And for every amazing healthy meal, there are 3 others ending like this...
What was wrong with handi-snacks?

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