Tuesday, July 29, 2014

10 weeks

Wow Mr. K is 10 weeks old already. Time flies when you spend every waking moment tending to other peoples needs.
You got it mom!
He really is a super easy baby. I guess he has to be in order to make it in this house. The world revolves around a toddler, even if you try not to let it.

He has been sleeping through the night for several weeks now, so at least I feel somewhat rested. He goes to bed around 7:30-8:30 and sleeps until 5:30-6:15. Naps are hit and miss. I try putting him to sleep before he gets over tired but sometimes I miss the window and he ends up a hysterical mess.

He has been smiling and giggling and making us laugh. This stage is the best! You can put them down and they can't follow you, they don't scream yet, and they absolutely love being cuddled.

I want to reach into this picture and squeeze him!
As for Miss K, she is giving us a run for our money as usual. I cut her hair the other day because she was growing a really horrible mullet.  Dan was furious at me, but it will grow back. I think the bob looks adorable and brings back her baby face.  
Hey the bob is the style of the summer... so that makes her trendier than me.

I think she is ready for potty training. Yesterday she brought me her diaper basket and lay down next to it for me to change her. If she can do that, she should be able to at least tell me when she needs to pee.

The big battles are over food. I try to just ignore and remove the meal if she spits food out, but it's hard not to react. I know we are in good company with everyone that has a toddler this age. I can't wait for this stage to be over in 5 years.
Don't let the innocent face fool you... she's cray cray!
As for me, I have found the perfect form of discipline for Kenzie. I can't always use it but when I do it is totally effective. I keep a very expensive breast pump on the living room floor. I don't put it away because I won't use it unless it's easy to get to. Anyway, yesterday she was sitting on the floor quietly playing with the parts and I crept up behind her and said "What are you doing?!" She jumped about a foot and ran out of the room. She knows she isn't allowed to touch the pump and I am pretty sure she won't touch it again... at least for now. I have to bite my tongue to keep from laughing so she knows I mean business. Luckily she doesn't scare easily and this doesn't make her cry for those of you trying to judge me right now.

I got a new vacuum and I am pretty sure my vacuum can kick your vacuums ass.  It's sad that I am super excited over it, but I really am. It's like a new toy.
In fact, I think I will go take it for a spin right now...
I know I need to make more time to write, even if it is just for my sanity. Currently I am busy catching up work that fell to the wayside while on maternity leave. Once I am caught up, I might be able to write something that doesn't involve vacuums.

I have also added some videos to the video tab for your viewing pleasure.

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