Saturday, March 15, 2014

Live in the moment before it's too late!

August 2013 - 8 months
I glanced at Kenzie today as we were playing on the floor and I realized that she is changing. The sweet chubby cheeks are gone, her half moon eyes are full of expression, and her gummy smile is now a toothy grin. How long has she looked like a toddler, instead of a baby?  I am with her every day, all day. How did I not notice? What else have I not noticed?
March 2013 - 15 months

Her laugh is starting to change, her run isn't as wobbly, and one of her favorite activities is to pick up heavy things and move them from one side of the room to the other. The heavy objects of choice are full Nalgene bottles, step stools, and any item weighing more than she does.

When we watched Sesame Street, she did the same dances as the children on the show, when they make a "g" sound she did too, and when the Count appeared she immediately started to do his laugh: "Ah... Ah... Ah..."

It was startling to realize how quickly she changed. It won't be long before I look over and see a child with a full head of hair, a full set of teeth, and an independent personality.

I worry that after baby #2 gets here, I will notice even less. The busy day-to-day minutia creates a thick fog. Cleaning, picking up toys, working, picking up toys, cooking, picking up toys, bathing... it's hard to remember to stop and live in the moment.

I am putting a reminder in my phone now, so when it goes off, I can stop what I am doing and just enjoy her and whatever the moment holds.

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