Sunday, March 2, 2014

Toddler Car Sickness

2 hours into our road trip to see some friends we were in the final stretch. 20 minutes up a mountain left to go.  Miraculously I made it this far without having to pee.  Kenzie was awake and would smile sweetly every time we looked back.

Luckily I was focused on my swollen bladder instead of the motion of the car twisting and turning. Suddenly there was a noise from the back seat. We looked back to find her spewing without stopping for a breath.  You could see the look of terror on her tiny face. This was her first time vomiting and she could have won a gold metal for it.  I had no idea she even had that much to eat!

We pulled off the road and went into action, changing her, cleaning her up, etc. Unfortunately we weren't done with our drive up and there was no turning back now. She threw up a few more times as we finished the drive.

Although clearly cranky, she was back to normal as soon as we got her out of the truck.

We weren't out of the woods yet... we still had the drive home this morning.

We were leaving at 8am so I waited to feed her breakfast until we were in the car.  I sat in the back with her and fed her veggie straws, which is one of the only things she will take her time feeding herself. She did fine for a while and then toward the end she stopped eating and started getting fussy.  I had the puke cup at the ready! Instead she fell asleep and when she woke up again about 90 mins later we were heading straight.  Crisis averted!

When you pack your kids for a trip, no matter how short or long, you always think of every possibility and plan for it.  It's always the thing that you don't plan for that throws you for a loop. 

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