Monday, March 17, 2014

My Moment of Silence

A rare moment of silence, alone. Dan took Kenzie for a hike. I am sitting on the couch and the house is quiet. Too quiet. The silence is crushing but I don't want to break it by turning on the radio or TV.

What to do with this moment?

Laundry. I need to change the loads, but I can do that when they get back.

Eat something forbidden! Ice cream fits the bill. I can't eat that with Kenzie hovering at my feet wanting to eat what I eat. No, I am still full from lunch.

Take a nap. Yes! That's exactly what this pregnant body needs. I just need to take my contacts out first, I hate it when they stick to my eyes when I wake up. Also, I did put on shoes today, which I really don't want to take off, then have to put back on. In this stage of pregnancy shoes are my mortal enemy. I really want to take a nap but it seems like a hassle.

Read a book. That's it, I will read one of the 8,000 books I have downloaded, and partially started, on my kindle. Now I just need to find it... the last time I used it was at 3am when Kenzie was a newborn. Maybe I will find it later and use it next time.

Organize the new baby's room. I think I already established that anything requiring movement isn't going to happen.

I guess I will just sit here and wait for them to come home. Why is it taking so long? They have never gone on a hike this long before...

I hear the door. Kenzie is crying because they stopped moving. Dan is calling for help to unharness her from the backpack. Why are all the dogs stuffed in to the hallway? There is no room for this!

Geez they are loud!  Why can't I get a quiet moment to myself?!

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