Thursday, February 27, 2014

Breakfast Burritos

SO YUMMY and filling. You can add or remove any of these ingredients but this is my base recipe.  No one ever knows they are vegetarian.

Breakfast Burritos - makes 12
*If making a bigger batch cook eggs separately or else it takes forever.
  • 12 flour tortillas - use the regular size not extra large burrito size
  • 12 eggs
  • 6 Morningstar farms faux sausage patties (or cooked meat of your choice)
  • 1 can petite diced tomato
  • 1 6oz jar of mushrooms
  • 2 cups of sharp cheddar
Heat your sausage patties in the microwave in a single layer on high for 2.5 mins. Put in food processor to ground.  Set aside.

Beat eggs until blended, optional splash of milk here but it isn't necessary. Start cooking your eggs, when just beginning to firm add diced tomato & mushrooms, and any seasonings you want.  I usually use some salt, pepper and onion powder.

After eggs are firm mix in the sausage.

Heat up your tortillas:  Wet a dish towel but ring it out so its just damp. Wrap your stack of tortillas in it.  I recommend doing 6 at a time.  Heat in microwave on high 1 minute.  This will ensure that they are easy to fold.

While your tortillas are heating cut 12 tin foil squares to wrap your burritos.

On the stack of tin foil, put 1 tortilla, add 1/2 cup egg mixture, top with cheese and wrap it up.  Sides first then fold top over and then bottom. It may take a few until you get the hang of wrapping them.  Wrap the tin foil around it and let cool.  Continue until all are wrapped. 

Once cooled put in gallon Ziploc bags.

To reheat:  Take off tin foil, wrap in a paper towel. Cook on high in microwave 2.5 minutes.

For feeding a toddler, I just scoop out all the insides and feed with a spoon or let her eat the egg pieces herself.  Great way to give them some protein.

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